
Japan→L.A.→Vegas→Big Island→Japan 〜地球遊泳中〜

Dolores Cannon: Messages from the Custodians ... Miracles & Inspiration ... Change Your Consciousness, Change Your Life

Dolores Cannon: Messages from the Custodians ... Miracles & Inspiration ... Change Your Consciousness, Change Your Life

Dolores Cannon – Messages from The Custodians

Part 1: Introduction, The Distress Call for Planet Earth and The Plan

Part 2: Transitioning to the New Earth | Part 3: The Three Waves of Souls

by Scott Mowry

……“All of the information I write about, comes from my clients, it doesn’t come from me,” Mrs. Cannon says of her life’s work. “I get pieces, like pieces of a puzzle and then I just put it altogether. So I call myself the reporter, the investigator and the researcher of lost knowledge.”

And indeed, the information she has gleaned from these hypnotherapy sessions is absolutely astonishing and incredibly prophetic. And best of all, profoundly inspiring!

THE DISTRESS CALL FOR PLANET EARTH About twenty years ago, Mrs. Cannon began to notice a common thread running through a number of her hypnotherapy clients. While under hypnosis, many revealed that even though they had lived on another planet in their immediate previous lifetime, they felt compelled to answer a distress call to save Earth and the human race. The distress calls began in earnest during our time frame of around the mid-1950’s.

Many of those souls who heeded these calls, came from other planets and willingly volunteered to incarnate into human bodies, despite the risks and inherent dangers of living on this planet. They were told their presence was desperately needed to assist the Earth to make a critical transformation to a higher form of consciousness. The ultimate objective was to try to save most of humanity from destroying itself.

50歳以上しか採用しない会社の社長が言った、「人生の変え方」 | Books&Apps

Link: 50歳以上しか採用しない会社の社長が言った、「人生の変え方」 | Books&Apps



私 「若手が全くいない会社にご訪問するのは初めてです。」

社長 「そうでしょう。他にはあまりないと思います。」

私 「なぜ若手が全くいないのですか?」

社長 「カンタンですよ。採用していないからです。」

私 「採用していない…?」

社長 「そうです。ウチでは50歳以上の人しか採用しません。」

私 「…!!」

社長 「不思議ですか?普通に考えればそうですよね。でも、採用にはちょっとした基準があるんです。」

私 「どんな基準ですか?」

社長 「人生を変えたい、という人だけを採用しています」

私 「50歳以上で、かつ人生を変えたい人、ということですよね…?変わっていますね…!」

社長 「そうでしょう。普通は「人生を変えたいなら、若いうちにやらないといけない」って言われてますからね。でも、人生を変えるなんて、誰でも、いつでもできるんです。」

私 「……ぜひ、そのお話、聞かせていただけないですか?


@yukai’s Beguiling Approach to Style Blogging For more photos and videos by Yuka, follow @yukai on Instagram.

When Yuka Igarashi (@yuka_____i) shares her “outfit of the day” (#ootd) the results are subtle: the images beguilingly frame her look and obscure her face. “This style has been the same since I started,” says Yuka, an accountant in Gifu, Japan, explaining that the outfits were never meant to find a wider audience. “My sixth grade daughter takes the photos. It was only meant as a memorandum of what I wear.”

The style reflects her understated life. “I like colors that match my surroundings,” she says. “Simple earth colors are really hard to coordinate, but I like them because they are calm.”